One Shocking Change You’re Not Prepared For When You Become a Manager

I’ve led dozens of seminars, courses and leadership meetings with new managers and unsurprisingly, there is a seam of anxiety that runs through these sessions that manifests itself in different behaviors: nervousness, faint hostility and even some shaky optimism. Often, the participants are mostly concerned about the compliance of management; i.e. how do I make …

The Power of Stillness

Do you meditate?  There are many forms and intentions of meditation – for some it is an end in itself, for others it is a path to higher enlightenment.  However, a common thread across all meditation practices is an exploration, a search for the “Great Observer”.  What is that and what does it have to …

Keeping Your Career Out of the Cold

Stressful situations often leads us to double down on the skills and behaviors we believe made us successful.  Ironically, this may be the very thing that causes us to fail. By having the courage to dig deep and change the qualities that make us feel safe, we can come out the other side stronger and more confident.