Fake it ’til you make it: the power of visualization

During my graduate program at Temple University, many fellow students became adjunct professors for the extra income. Temple offered a great onboarding and coaching program for the new teachers which we supplemented with the experience we had gained from our prior careers. Before the first winter break, my colleague shared that he “kept getting all …

The 3 things to do when you don’t know what to do

If you’re completely comfortable in your role as leader, this article is not for you. If, however, you’ve ever experienced the sudden realization that people are looking to you to decide something that you have little to no experience in, read on.  Very few people become a leader with deep expertise in all areas they …

The Trait All Great Leaders Share

Photo by Kirit Vora We say that leaders have vision. They see possibilities in the everyday and in people. They have foresight. They have the ability envision the impossible and turn it into the inevitable. Leaders have insight. They make connections between the unconnectable by seeing their true nature underneath the surface. More than any …

The Power of Poetry for Professional Writing

poetry I hear a constant refrain: we need more business writing training!  The circumstances vary but the themes are the same – we need people who can articulate clearly and with impact.  There are many ways to surround this but the one I would like to suggest is that we teach poetry. Sound a bit …

Feel Good About Saying Yes (Part 3 of 3)

Download full size (1289 KB) Another client group had heard of the training program that Jeff’s team had run a few months earlier.  Believing he had learned his lesson, he was not about to enter into negotiations for delivering a program without ensuring he understood the potential impact and how the result would be measured. …

Feed Good About Saying Yes (Part 2 of 3)

ROI. Is there a more dreaded ratio in training and development? ROI stands for return on investment, though notably it is also the french word for “king” which seems appropriate given the prominence this ratio has received in our industry. Even though many learning leaders I’ve spoken to believe that this is a near impossible …

Feel Good About Saying Yes (part 1 of 3)

Three months after agreeing to run product training across the business, Jeff is sitting in a meeting with senior business leaders.  The pilot was not received well, partly because half of the participants didn’t know the reason they were in training was because their role was changing.  One of the sponsors was “defending” Jeff by …