Mentoring in the Digital Age


We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.

That quote comes courtesy of the decidedly unsentimental Winston Churchill.

Based on what I hear from colleagues in other companies and across industries, mentoring is a program that universally excites people.  Perhaps it is because unlike many other talent solutions, mentoring does not exist almost solely within the corporate sphere, but is a deeply intuitive aspect of human relationships.

During my tenure as the Global Mentoring program manager and in subsequent positions, I have thought a lot about mentoring, and how a natural and organic relationship can be structured to support a number of talent goals and can do so with very scalable and sustainable resources.

Today’s post will be the launch of a series on mentoring.   First, we’ll journey through the history of mentoring and examine why it’s so important to so many leaders.  We’ll then take a look at the tectonic shifts in the global workforce and later, how mentoring can provide a platform by which talent strategies can be realized.  Finally, we’ll explore ways that mentoring can be adapted from its traditional construct to one that meshes with and leverages the social networking  phenomena.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments as we explore how mentoring can be revitalized to meet today’s workforce challenges.

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