The One Question I Never Ask During Interviews

The first time I had the opportunity to interview someone to join my team, I did my research online to come up with the right questions and flow for the interview. I like to start with a phone screen, typically about 30 minutes long, which I find to be an efficient way to narrow down …

Lily Pads and the Science of Growth

With our environment swirling around us like a Category 10 hurricane, organizational cultures are hunkering down, placing more value in the grapevine than the leadership town halls. Many are going to come through just fine – the right alchemy of leadership, preparation and employee readiness is in place to not only weather the change but to embrace it as an elemental advantage. If everyone else is going to wait for a lull in the storm, we’re going to use change to secure our place at the top of the wave.

The Trait All Great Leaders Share

Photo by Kirit Vora We say that leaders have vision. They see possibilities in the everyday and in people. They have foresight. They have the ability envision the impossible and turn it into the inevitable. Leaders have insight. They make connections between the unconnectable by seeing their true nature underneath the surface. More than any …

The Power of Poetry for Professional Writing

poetry I hear a constant refrain: we need more business writing training!  The circumstances vary but the themes are the same – we need people who can articulate clearly and with impact.  There are many ways to surround this but the one I would like to suggest is that we teach poetry. Sound a bit …

Three Traits of Top Talent

According to Forbes, businesses around the world spend over $3,300 per hire on recruiting, an increase of almost 6% in the last year. US corporations spend nearly $72 billion annually on recruiting services, staff, and products – and the worldwide number is likely three times bigger. Corporate training spend is close behind.  According to Bersin by …

Have a little faith

Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.– Voltaire At a recent conference, Andrew Blum from Trium Consulting made a passing comment in a presentation about leaders having faith in themselves. It was an interesting word that got me thinking. There are countless articles and books that discuss leadership and …

Inspiring Leadership from Tammy Duckworth

Tammy Duckworth I had the pleasure of seeing Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth speak at our company today.  For those who do not know this remarkable woman,  Ms. Duckworth is the US Representative for Illinois’ 8th congressional district and is the first Asian-American woman elected to Congress in Illinois, the first disabled woman to be elected to …

Why aren’t corporate classrooms dead?

The dominance of classroom training in corporate learning is one of the most hotly discussed topics in L&D departments around the country, perhaps the world.  Except we don’t talk about classrooms but the inverse corollary: social learning.  Peer networks.  eLearning. Mentoring.  Informal learning. We discuss these issues for a number of reasons, including: Capital resources …